Thursday, December 6, 2012

Developing an ePortfolio

An ePortfolio is an online bio for students to share the highlights of their collegiate career with prospective employers or graduate and professional school selection committees. A fully developed portfolio should offer a broader sense of who you are, what you have accomplished, and what you hope to achieve. The ePortfolio should be designed as a self-narrative, and serve as an invitation for employers and selection committees to get to know you.
Employers and graduate and professional school selection committees are now seeking more than just a traditional résumé from candidates. Interested parties want to know more about who you really are, and will likely search online to find out more about you. So you should ask yourself: what do I want to appear in an online search? By creating an ePortfolio, a prospective employer will learn about your accomplishments as an undergraduate, and why you have chosen your particular career path.

The Honors College has created an ePortfolio program to provide you with the resources needed to successfully showcase your career in Honors. Whether you are headed directly into the workforce, or planning to apply for graduate or professional school, developing an ePortfolio will enable you to distinguish yourself from other candidates.